26 Apr 2024

Say hello to Peter Stanley

I can understand if my long-time followers are a bit confused, but rest assured, it's still me. I have decided to use the pen name Peter Stanley for my fiction writing, particularly in the speculative fiction genre. This will make it easier for readers to find my work on online bookstores like Amazon, as my full Polish name can be challenging to spell. Henceforth, you can address me as Peter Stanley.

I know some of you might be curious as to why I chose Peter and Stanley. I chose Peter because it's a direct translation of my Polish name. As for Stanley, it's a tribute to Stanislaw Lem, a well-known Polish science fiction author of his time and one of my all-time favourites.

To answer the first part of the question, I want to make things easier for everyone. I don't want readers to miss out on my writing just because they struggle with the spelling of my last name.

Feel free to visit the Amazon page for the new pen name and check out the already available book. If you like it, please leave a review.egularly.

25 Apr 2024

Hi there

Wow, who would have thought it's been a long since my last blog entry! Some would say that it's a good thing, as I was busy doing all this wonderful grown-up stuff. in a way, they are right. i have been busy. New job, and a new contract, and of course I too have been busy with writing my Dragoon series. You can find the first in that series here, on Amazon. The next three books in the series have been finished and am polishing them while waiting on a beta to read over the fifth book in the series. I then plan to wrap up Nathan Harvey's story in book six.

Professionally, I finally got my social work registration. I will follow that up with another post later, but needless to say that I am excited.

9 Sept 2021

A small update

Hello, how is everyone doing? For my friends who are not in New Zealand, I thought it would be good to let you know that we have had a three week Level 3 lockdown here due to COVID. We're still under lockdown, but now at level 2.

Naturally I have been working from home. For those who have been asking, my book is still in the process of being polished with the editor. I am not sure when the release will be. I have however started doodling with a new idea, but it's too early to show just yet. I am experimenting with writing episodic fiction, so watch this space. 

21 Aug 2021

Guest author in an Anthology

 A while ago, William Joseph Roberts asked me if I would like to be a guest author in an anthology ran by The Corner Scribblers. Now, I generally suck at short stories, but thought it be a good opportunity to practice and see what happens.

Well, HOSTILE INTENT was the result. It's an alternate history where the space race went a tad differently. Check it out, just click here.

19 Aug 2020

Let's rage against them words

This week has started with a bang, in the most positive way imaginable. Fort starters, an opportunity presented itself and will be coming to fruition in early September. I will tell you what closer to the time. The other is my writing, it's coming along splendidly, with the second book in my first ever series coming out around 28 August 2020, if not a tad sooner.  

I am very happy with the series too, as feedback for Dragoon 2-2  that has been receiving, both via Amazon reviews and word of mouth. The general consensus is that it is refreshing with its locations while remaining true to the genre, so yeah. I am hoping that the second book and the two-plus more planned would be just as good.

Thing is, I doubt that I would be here without some encouragement and be able to access a pool of knowledge. you know who you are, thank you.

One such pool of knowledge is Steff Green, a fellow writer and disabled person of awesome. Steff writes romances and paranormal stuff under the pen name Steffanie Holmes. She runs a course for writers, called Rage Against The Manuscript, and I highly recommend it and encourage to hit the image below to check it out.

I thought I know it all, but the reality is that she knew more. I highly recommend her.

Say hello to Peter Stanley

I can understand if my long-time followers are a bit confused, but rest assured, it's still me. I have decided to use the pen name Peter...